Fiskars x11 vs x10

Consider what type of jobs will be needed. Does the axe need to split small logs? If so, then the Fiskars XSplitting Axe is a great bet.

The small, but mighty axe is only inches, but the tool offers power and speed for one-strike splits of small and even medium logs. Which Fiskars axe to use for splitting logs of different sizes and different types of wood. Jan Received this as a birthday gift a few weeks ago and it seems to be just as quality a unit as the larger axes.

And chopping axes: X X15. Dec Fiskars offers a wide range from hatchets to splitting axes. They seem to delivery on quality to value to performance. I read the Amazon reviews, but.

The Xis a small splitting maul, pretty useless thing if you ask me. An the cheapest sourced piece I could find was from Germany at $shipped. You can get an Xfor $off Amazon or around . Are you looking for a splitting maul, chopping axe or a hatchet to take camping?

Whatever you nee Fiskars provides a huge variety of quality models that will help you do the job.

However, before we jump into . All things related to Bushcraft – tools, techniques, schools of thought, history, etc. May If you could only buy either the Fiskars Xor Xwhich would you get and why? The more I looked at them, the more it looked identical to the x11. Generations of craftsmen have dedicated themselves to perfecting our axes, so you can make every swing your best.

Whether you’re felling trees, whipping up some kindling, chopping logs or splitting, you’ll get more done faster with these devastatingly powerful tools. Feb Re: Making Feather Sticks with the Fiskars X11. I plan on using it mostly to split, the axe comes in both chopping ( X) and splitting ( X) versions, but in general these are all better splitters than choppers. Splitting Axe – Designed for maximum efficiency to give you more one-strike splits. Stronger-than-steel FiberComp handle won’t break through overstrike.

This is my pack axe, I also . PermaHead insert-molded axe head. Shop with confidence on eBay! For carpentry and wood work. Compare with similar items.

The Fiskars XCarpenters Axe is specially designed for carpenters and construction workers. The Fiskars S- XChopping Axe has a 30° cutting bevel and perfect balance between the head and the shaft for the most safe, comfortable and efficient use. Jul Hi Gemeinde, seit letztem Jahr habe ich eine Fiskars Spaltaxt. Handbeil – welches soll ich denn nun nehmen ( FISKARS ).

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